List of products by brand Fulcrum
Fulcrum Wheels is an Italian company founded in 2004. The strengths of the young company are the use of unique patents, continuous technological research and young and attractive design. The wheels Fulcrum born for street competition, but in 2008 in the family Fulcrum join the off-road wheels that will soon be revealed to the height of their name obtaining excellent results and the racing bike pedivelles in carbon fiber, i.e. the first products Fulcrum for high-end components. Here Marchisio Bici you will find the Wheels Offer Fulcrum Present in our store.
Fulcrum Wheels is an Italian company founded in July 2004, by the idea and passion of three engineers aerospaces for bicycles. The strengths of the young company are: the use of unique patents, the continuous technological research and young and attractive design. The wheels Fulcrum born for street competition, but in 2008 in the family Fulcrum join two other big news: the off-road wheels that will soon turn to height of their name obtaining excellent results and racing cranks in carbon fiber, or the first products Fulcrum for high-end components. Here you will find the Wheels Offer Fulcrum Present in our store. If you want to come visit us Marchisio Bici is located in Millesimo (SV) 20km from Savona and 45Km from the famous Bike Park of Finale Ligure. Marchisio Bici, great Offer of Used and New Wheels in Liguria, Showroom of 1000mq able to offer the best set of Wheels for the whole north of Italy, therefore a wide offer for Liguria, Piedmont, Lombardy, Aosta Valley, Veneto, Tuscany and Emilia Romagna. Contact us for more information.